it’s funny. there are key events or milestones of our jourmany that we’ve waited for with great anticipation and excitement, yet when they actually arrive bring a twinge of sadness in addition to the expected joy.
it happened first when our furniture arrived. we had literally been counting the days, hours, minutes until we would have all of our things again. yet seeing them in this new apartment, all the way across the world, honestly was a bit depressing for a bit. of course we were THRILLED to have our beds, sofa, toys, stuff. but for the first few days everything felt a bit out-of-place (much like US when we first arrived!). i kept picturing our things in our old house back home, which of course led to some inevitable homesickness.
piper seemed to suffer from this nostalgia induced sadness as well. prior to us moving we bought her DREAM bed (pink, fancy, pink) which she talked about incessantly as it was crossing the ocean on its way. “i can’t wait to sleep in my new pink bed.” but once everything was set up (pink beds in the girls’ shared bedroom, old day bed in the playroom), she kept gravitating to the old bed. for weeks the pink bed remained untouched. we didn’t fight it … i could totally relate to her need for the familiar.
anyway, the point of all of this rambling is that this week marked a huge milestone for my little chicklet. piper lane started school yesterday. correction: piper lane started GERMAN school yesterday. she’s literally been talking about this since the day we moved here … we’ve been counting down for what seems like ages. 3 more months! 2 more months! 2 more weeks! big pink “Xs” on the calendar, all in anticipation of the start of this new exciting adventure.
i’ve been equally as excited as miss piper lane. i LOVED watching her experience her first year of preschool last year – she gobbled it up with such enthusiasm. the songs, the letters, the friends, the field trips. my sweet, social girl was made for school, and it brings this mommy ridiculous amounts of joy watching this. as such, i was eager to see what the german version would bring.
and the outcome after day two? steady enjoyment (piper’s) with a sprinkling of sadness (mine). and a dash of anxiety (mine). a drop of uncertainty (piper’s and mine).
it’s just SO FREAKING DIFFERENT. which is of course sort of the point of this whole thing. we certainly didn’t move thousands of miles away from home for it to be exactly the same. but i guess what i’m struggling with is that most of the uncomfortable moments, the ones that make us stretch and grow and trust, have been ones we can experience together, as a family. when the girls have us to lean on, and we are there to hold their hands and guide them through the newness, then it’s all good. but picturing my piper in this new school, which is so different (SO SO different), without me and wen, is sort of breaking my heart.
when i picked piper up yesterday i expected the standard “mommy!” squeal and a dash over to me. but she just stayed in her chair, eating her strange german snack (some bread/cracker thing with some cheesy thing), looking sort of lost. to be fair, it had been a LONG day. german kindergarten is ALL DAY, so she had been there for 7 hours at this point. with no nap. (i’m sure an explanation of our night is not needed. no nap = YIKES). add to that trying to adjust to hearing mostly german throughout the day, very little structure (ack!), new faces, new games, new rules, new everything. it’s just … a lot. and right now all i can think about is piper’s school from home … and how much i want to be back there where everything is safe and familiar, where i can talk to the other moms and sign up for field trips and pack her a snack that i know she’ll love. i want to be back where it all makes sense. at least to me.
but clearly that’s not an option. so now i need to just trust and let go of what was … and embrace what is.
a few weeks ago piper suddenly started sleeping in the pink bed. no conversation took place about it. she just did it. it was time to move forward, into our new life. i feel like that scenario is a good lesson for me. take your time, ease in, allow for the moments of sadness and homesickness and clinging to the familiar. but at some point, just accept and go forward. i’m hoping that happens soon.
with that … a few pictures of the lovely little fraulein.
first-day-of-school breakfast …

Rebecca Seidenstein - Emily, your post made me tear up and I can only sympathize with the challenges you are facing. That being said, please know that you are an inspiration to me, over here living my very comfortable and familiar life. I hope that someday I can take the leap of faith into a unfamiliar and sometimes uncomfortable place for the purpose of achieving a lot of personal growth and a very fulfilling life. Thank you for the inspiration! Rebecca
haus van maxey - rebecca – i loved your note. thanks for reading and for your sweet words of encouragement. they truly made my day … truly. hope all is lovely w those 2 sweet girls of yours. and if you ever need a temporary adventure, come visit!
kellie raz - Oh, I loved your most recent post. Move over Wendell, there are two writers in the Maxey family. I miss you and your little ladies. If it makes you feel better, I’m still not sure about the girls Spanish immersion school. I know that ‘lost’ and exhausted look too. Both the girls had it the first day they came back from Camp Tilikum this summer. I thought they’d run off the bus so excited to see me. Not the case. They looked at me strange and just stumbled off the bus really indifferent. I think all the songs on the bus, camp nick names, prayers before every meal, 180 kids, etc. was just overwhelming. It got better as the week went on. Anyway, thinking of you. Hugs to Piper from Ava & Chloe!
haus van maxey - ohhh, i so needed this! thanks, kel. i miss you and sweet ava and chloe to pieces. i feel like i’ve been on the brink of tears non stop for the past 2 days. thanks so much for the encouragement … love you.
Renee Pfaffinger - Dear friend,
May I first say I am sending my prayers your way as you begin this journey. It sounds all to familiar as I left Karis at her first days of preschool and Kindergarten in Guatemala which were all day everyday. Looking back at the process I see it was much harder for me and I to thought how will she do not yet speaking Spanish. She adapted so quickly, loved her friends and teachers and thrived!! I will be praying that is how little Piper does. My guess is one day, very soon she will return from school and begin teaching you all that you apparently do not know about the language and culture. Treasure every moment and soak in the experience of it all. You are unique in that you are different as is she in that school, but in our experience it was filled with many rich blessings and experiences. Love to you!!
haus van maxey - sweet nae, you have blessed me beyond! you have no idea … truly. i so needed this encouragement and reassurance. i know in my head that she will be fine (she IS fine). but my heart is having a hard time catching up. anyway, thank you thank you for the sweet words and prayers. so grateful. love you.