it’s clearly an unsettling day. i don’t have words to even capture the significance … what it means, where i was, how it’s changed us. and since i still, 10 years later, can’t adequately comprehend HOW or WHY or WHAT or any of those unanswerable questions, i’m instead trying to focus and meditate on THIS day. and today, i am grateful.
i am grateful when i look around and see hope and courage, instead of defeat.
i am grateful when i see my girls giggle, and i know there is goodness and beauty … still.
i am grateful for singing in the car, sweet little fingers holding hands, friends who support and encourage and listen and understand.
i am grateful for facebook. i really am. it makes this huge world seem a bit smaller, and all of us a bit closer.
i am grateful for sisters.
i am grateful for laughter through tears.
i am grateful for my quiet home, my sleeping girls, the peaceful end to another day.
Holly - Well said, the pictures are wonderful. If only I could touch them and hold them (and you both).
I am moved to tears remembering the devastation and unearned loss of life.
I love you all and look forward to seeing you in your little home. H