it’s truly serendipitous that my first child was born on november twenty-seventh. that day holds additional significance for me, as it’s also the birthday of one of my first (and best) friends, tracy.
tracy and i met in second grade. we bonded over a shared sense of humor, our mutual love for the purdy brothers (yep, that was their name) and a million other things that built a foundation for a friendship that has now spanned almost THIRTY years. good lord.
both of our parents divorced, which made us unique amongst our friends. when you’re seven, ten (goodness, at times even thirty-five) you really just want to blend in, so our family situations built an unspoken bond. “she gets it,” my young brain knew. there was something safe in knowing i wasn’t totally alone in navigating this complex family of mine. this was (and is) so priceless. i look back and marvel at what a perfect gift god gave me to help find my way in those rough waters. and eventually the waves quieted and we could laugh about things like our parents starting to date new people (and our moms running into each other at a local nightclub – oy!) and not be so nervous about the unknown to come.
trace has always seen the real me, the unedited version beneath the lipgloss and long hair. case in point: years ago i visited her at U of O and met a lot of her new college friends. a few months later, trace was telling a story about me, and one of those girls said, “oh, your asian friend who came to visit?” and without really thinking tracy responded, “hmm, no, i don’t have any asian friends.” ha! this story makes me laugh, but also smile – it illustrates how she sees beyond the outer shell (which yes, is asian) to just me.
i’m realizing more and more lately how much god truly designed us to live in community. all of the ups, down, celebrations and trials are so much richer, sweeter, more bearable when you are surrounded. carried. supported. and especially when you are surrounded, carried and supported by a tracy.
a few months ago i was sitting in a hotel room in new york city. i had just returned to the US from a whirlwind weekend in germany after interviewing for a new job. i called tracy in tears, so confused. “go,” she said. “you have to.” a selfless declaration of support. and so we went.
i love that my first born shares a birthday with my dear friend. i hope that piper grows to have tracy’s strength and courage. to have her conviction. to have her faith in god and faith in herself. to be bold but compassionate, smart but humble. i love these two girls beyond. november twenty-seventh. it’s a beautiful day.
my piper lane. at 6:01pm on november 27, 2006 you joined our family and brought unspeakable joy to daddy and me. you are so much like me that at times it makes me nervous. you have my intensity, which makes your highs high and your lows … well, challenging. i am praying you learn to use that passion towards something big and beautiful. you don’t know yet what you are capable of, but i do. i can’t wait for you to amaze yourself with all you can accomplish. i will be watching, cheering, supporting and loving you with every piece of me. happy birthday, piper lane.
albiedesigns - Love this post!! Happy birthday Piper!!
kindy - that was beautiful.